From the first meeting I had with Rachel & Andrew I knew that they would be a great couple to photograph (not that the others aren’t!), but they both
were so easy going!
The wedding & reception were to be held very close to the house in which they both lived, but as I found out later, the church actually had a
sentimental meaning to Rachel, so was a wonderfully special place to be asked to photograph her & Andrew’s wedding day!
The church was All Hallows Church in Bardsey.
The wedding day started photographing the preparation of both the bride & groom, who although weren’t obviously in the same place – weren’t too far away from each other – these two just couldn’t be apart! 😉
Then the beautiful wedding car arrived, so it was soon to be off to All Hallows Church in Bardsey, just down the road!
At the church I managed to get a few with the groom & best man, also the groom’s party too! Just before the bride came round the corner I also managed to squeeze in a shot outside the lovely All Hallows church, with the bridesmaids!
As the groom, Andrew & best man seemingly laugh & joke inside the church, the beautiful bride arrives, accompanied by her uncle, ready to walk down the aisle.
After the gorgeous service, where you can see Rachel & Andrew are very much in love, it was outside to the Pimms tent & a few group & candid shots, well for those not too busy at the bar! 😉
Not my idea the next picture – but hey its the bride & groom’s day & I’m there to help! 😉
Next came the time to photograph Rachel & Andrew together! I’d managed the day or 2 previous to have a look around the area too, so had plenty of ideas in mind!
Then we headed for the reception, which was at East Keswick Village Hall, which as you are about to see was decorated beautifully & was all done by Rachel & Andrew the day before!
After a lovely meal, which I was also offered!, came the speeches – the best man’s was particularly amusing 😉
After the speeches, came a very special & sentimental moment for Rachel, sadly her dad couldn’t be with her on her wedding day, but as a message to her dad, people were to release balloons into the air with messages on.
The end of the day was nigh, well for me anyway!! I’m sure the party continued well into the night, but before I left was the cake cutting, the first dance & Dominic Halpin & the Honey B’s!
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